Did you know?
Plastic bags can be recycled into park benches!
to find out what else can be made from recycled
plastics, read on...
We're all familiar with plastics in today's busy lifestyle. We're also concerned at how they affect the environment after we've finished using them. Rather than throwing them in the general waste bin (and ultimately, landfill), your common plastic bag can be recycled. Most household council roadside collections will take your plastic waste*, and send it for recycling.
*check your local council for full details of collected waste
Carrier bags can be chipped up and melted back in to pellet form, to be used to make recycled plastic benches for parks, shoping centres and the like.
Plastic bottle tops are commonly found on milk, fizzy drinks etc. These are typically turned in things such as gardening tools and equipment!
Plastic milk cartons are recycled and transformed in to plastic playground equipment. Look closely next time you're in the park, it's probably been recycled!
That's right! We wear lots of items of clothing that would include plastic fibres from recycled plastic waste. Filling for ski jackets is just one example.
How Can I Recycle?
The answer is simple! The easiest way to recycle is to seperate all your plastics waste, ensure it's clean and leave out for your local council collection. (Check your local council for full collected item details).
The most readily recyclable types of plastic are LDPE and HDPE. Other types of plastic can be recycled, but not all types currently are recycled.
When buying plastic products, check if they've been recycled already, you'll be surprised!
Address: Unit 10c, Boyton Hall Farm, Chelmsford, Essex, UK. CM1 4LN
Email: hello@recycle-bags.co.uk
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Website owned and updated by Sun Plastics Ltd, Chelmsford, Essex.